Hello Everyone!
Let’s talk about things and stuff!
I guess we should start with the biggest change since I blogged last. Well that is a lie actually... I told you I wasn’t dead not to long about but I'm talking about before that. Anyways, I'm getting married! About four years ago I found this girl named Amy and last month I decided I wanted to keep her, well actually I didn't decide that last month, I just told her, I had decided awhile before that. So now comes the long, confusing and crazy thing called wedding planning! I really have no idea what I’m doing but so far it is going pretty good... I think. That's all I have to say about that for now. I'm sure there will be more updates coming once things are decided on. Like blue and yellow.
On a more recent topic, How did everyone survive the storm? I was hoping for more, maybe six feet or so, but the weather never listens to me. I had some fun adventures through the storm though. First of all I worked at 6:45 the day of the storm, which meant I had to wake up around 5 to clean up the snow to be able to even get to work. When I got there, the place was dead all day, I wonder why. Although the big boss man was nice and gave us all free pastries for coming to work in a snow storm. Instead of supervising and cashiering, I got to spend the day shoveling, salting, and taking pictures of a car buried in a snow pile. I would say it was a good day. Oh and when did we start naming snow storms, and why did they pick Nemo when Gandalf was an option? I guess there saving Gandalf for a more awesome storm, maybe the Snowpocalypse.
I also started going to the gym, which is weird, because it's a gym and I'm going to it, yeah. Anyways I guess I will tell you the story because I really have nothing better I could be doing right now other than getting a job. Well I guess this is the only thing because I’ve applied to almost everything I could find at the moment so that's on hold unless I get a call while typing this, but it’s after 9 PM so I doubt that will happen. It all started last Thursday. Amy and I were doing something, I think it was important but I can’t remember, and she decided that we should go to the gym. Oh I was working! I think she was too and she came over after. Anyways, Amy kidnaps me and we head off to the gym. Well actually, we headed off to find some shorts because I had nothing to wear to the gym. After a failed search, we arrive at Planet Fitness. We head in to workout. When we get in we find out that Amy needs super awesome membership to bring guests. So now, we have to decide to go do something else or sign me up for average membership like hers. Although it is not much of a choice, she pretty much forced me to join. Not really, but anyways. We head in and get changed. I wait about an hour for Amy to get changed, I don't get how it takes so long. We first went on these things that were like bicycle except you stand up. I somehow manage to repeatedly smash me knee on the center post thing, even though I couldn't seem to reach when I tried to do it on purpose. We then headed to all these crazy machines that worked out one part of your body. They were fun and interesting. Apparently I was embarrassing Amy because I kept trying to figure out how they worked and asked her a lot of questions. One of the machines decided it wanted my fingers dead. I had no problem pulling the bar thing but for some reason my fingers were cramping up and in pain, although they weren't doing anything other than holding a bar. The last thing I went on was this weird machine that you kneel on. You have to pull yourself up this curved rail using your legs. It’s hard to explain, but the seat could spin and stuff and it was fun. Well that is my adventure at Planet Fitness.
That's all I have for you today. I feel like there was more but I can't remember. I need to go on a Photoventure soon.